Operator Precedence in PHP

December 16, 2007

The precedence of an operator specifies how “tightly” it binds two expressions together. Lets play with few of them

  1. ‘[‘ is left associative and has higher precedence than assignment operator ‘=’
    function one($str)
    echo "$str";
    return 1;
    $a = array(1,2);
    $a[one("A")] = $a[one("B")] = 1; // outputs AB
  2. Assignment Operators are right associative
    function output(& $b)
    echo( "b value is: ".$b );
    return $b;
    $a = 2;
    $b = 5;
    echo ($a = $b = 1);
    $a = 2;
    $b = 5;
    echo ( "a value is: ".$a = output($b) );
    Output is:
    b value is: 5
    a value is: 5
  3. Comparison Operator always returns TRUE/FALSE
    $b = 5;
    $a = ( ( ++$b ) > 5 ); // Pre-increment test
    echo (int)$a; // Output 1
    $b = 5;
    $a = ( ( $b++ ) > 5 ); // Post-increment test
    echo (int)$a; // Output 0
  4. assignment operator has higher precedence than bitwise operator
    ( 9 & 8 == 8 ) ? 'true':'false'; //same as 9 & ( 8 == 8 ) which is true
    ( 8 & 8 == 8 ) ? 'true':'false'; //same as 8 & ( 8 == 8 ) which is false
  5. Logical Operator Precedence : and, or, nor, !, &&, ||
    $a && $b || $c; // equivalent to
    (a and b) or c
    $a AND $b || $c; // equivalent to a and (b or c)
    $a = $b && $c; // equivalent to $a = (
    $b && $c)
    $a = $b AND $c; //
    equivalent to ($a = $b) && $c
  6. The ternary operator is a statement, and that it doesn’t evaluate to a variable, but to the result of a statement
    echo (true?'true':false?'t':'f'); // equivalent to echo ((true ? 'true' : 'false') ? 't' : 'f');

Reference : PHP Manual